SVD burden annotation project


This page is intended as a reference manual for accessors as well as other collaborators in annotating and analysing a large pooled, clinical dataset of stroke patients from Aarhus University Hospital included in different research projects.


SVD in the brain is still uncharted territory. We have two large datasets (possibly supplemented with additional projects) on acute stroke patients that we have the opportunity to merge and link with data from MRI scans. The first project is to investigate the relationship between various lifestyle factors and the degree of SVD among stroke patients. We also plan to use the data for other projects in the future.

Annotation and capturing

No widely used scoring system exists, that considers all elements of SVD on MRI. The Fazekas score is widely used, but only accounts for white matter hyperintensities (WMH).

Based on existing studies, we have developed a scoring tool for this purpose, relying on FLAIR and T2*/SWI sequences from the acute scans. We are interested in microbleeds, superficial siderosis, previous lacunar infarcts, white matter hyperintensities, and atrophy.

We have created a minimal registration tool in REDCap, that will later be enriched with metadata on the scans.


Preliminary results are presented with a poster at ESOC 2024, and the analyses are shared here.