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Physical activity as an effect modificator of lifestyle factors on small vessel deisease burden


Background and aims Physical activity (PA) may reduce the development of small vessel disease (SVD). The effect of physical activity and more classical vascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes in the development of SVD is debated, however. We aim to investigate the effect modification of physical activity on traditional vascular risk factors and the burden of small vessel disease among acute ischemic stroke patients.

Methods We have pooled patients from two clinical trials on acute ischemic stroke treatment. The main outcome is an ordinal scale score of quantified MR biomarkers of small vessel disease (SVD) burden based on visually assessed acute stroke scans (T2* or SWI and FLAIR sequences). Biomarkers includes microbleeds, old lacunar infarcts, superficial siderosis, white matter hyperintensities and atrophy. Covariates includes age, sex, pre-stroke physical activity, diabetes, hypertension, atrial fibrillation and previous cardiovascular diseases. Pre-stroke PA was assessed with a questionnaire on inclusion within a few days after stroke onset. Data will be analyzed using bivariate and multivariate linear regression analysis.

Results We expect to include a total of around 1000 adult patients admitted to the comprehensive stroke centre at Aarhus University Hospital between 2013-2022. Preliminary results will be presented at ESOC 2024.

Conclusions Physical activity may be an important factor in modifying the risk of SVD development in stroke patients.

In [1]:


THe correlation between physical activity, small vessel disease and classical risk factors is very much debated and not fully understood.(Moniruzzaman et al. 2020; Torres et al. 2019; Landman et al. 2021)

In this abstract, we present the preliminary results from our pooled SVD study, also presented at ESOC 2024.


This study is a cross-sectional study, based on a pooled dataset from two different randomised, clinical trials on patients with acute stroke.


Please refer to Figure 1 for an overview of subjects included for analysis.

In [2]:
consort_diagram label6 Pooled subjects with AIS label7 Subjects available for initial analysis label8 Subjects available for final analysis node1 All subjects (n=1055) P1 node1->P1 node2 No MR (n=175): • No acute MR performed (n=169) • Not assessed (n=3) • Other reasons (n=3) node3 Patients considered (n=880) P2 node3->P2 node4 No PASE available (n=115): • Missing (n=115) node5 Patients included (n=765) P1->node2 P1->node3 P2->node4 P2->node5
Figure 1: Flowchart of subject included for analysis
In [3]:
skimr::skim(targets::tar_read("complete_scores") |> (\(.i){
  .i |> dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(names(.i)[-c(1:2)], ~ factor(.x)))
Data summary
Name (function(.i) {
Number of rows 1055
Number of columns 12
Column type frequency:
character 2
factor 10
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
record_id 0 1.00 5 8 0 1055 0
user 172 0.84 6 8 0 7 0

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
microbleed 173 0.84 FALSE 5 0: 707, 1: 82, 2-4: 59, >10: 19
siderose 173 0.84 FALSE 3 No : 877, 1 s: 4, > 1: 1
lacunes 173 0.84 FALSE 5 0: 614, 1: 122, 2: 70, 3-5: 61
wmh 174 0.84 FALSE 4 1: : 473, 2: : 193, 0: : 127, 3: : 88
atrophy 173 0.84 FALSE 4 1: : 321, 0: : 311, 2: : 226, 3: : 24
microbleed_location___1 172 0.84 FALSE 2 Unc: 785, Che: 98
microbleed_location___2 172 0.84 FALSE 2 Unc: 804, Che: 79
microbleed_location___3 172 0.84 FALSE 2 Unc: 832, Che: 51
consensus 172 0.84 FALSE 3 dis: 379, agr: 254, con: 250
svd_missing_reason 883 0.16 FALSE 2 Man: 169, And: 3

Skimmed overview of SVD scoring

Baseline characteristics are included with the Table 2.

In [4]:
In [5]:
targets::tar_read("complete_scores") |>
  dplyr::select(-c("record_id", "user")) |>
    dplyr::all_of(c("microbleed", "lacunes")),
    ~ factor(.x,
      levels = .x |>
        dsub("^>", "9r_") |>
        as.factor() |>
        levels() |>
        dsub("^9r_", ">")
  )) |>
In [6]:
targets::tar_read("clin_data") |>
  dplyr::select(-record_id, -trial_id, -inclusion_date) |>
  gtsummary::tbl_summary(by = trial)
Characteristic RESIST, N = 5461 TALOS, N = 5091
active_treatment 256 (47%) 251 (49%)
age 74 (63, 80) 70 (61, 78)
female_sex 199 (36%) 185 (36%)
pase_0 91 (55, 127) 121 (65, 191)
    Unknown 128 0
smoker 120 (22%) 160 (32%)
    Unknown 0 10
alc_more 60 (11%) 49 (9.8%)
    Unknown 19 10
alone 148 (27%) 160 (32%)
    Unknown 5 4
diabetes 68 (12%) 54 (11%)
    Unknown 0 4
hyperten 329 (60%) 262 (52%)
    Unknown 0 3
pad 19 (3.5%) 23 (4.6%)
    Unknown 7 8
afib 89 (16%) 94 (19%)
    Unknown 0 4
ami 49 (9.0%) 43 (8.5%)
    Unknown 0 5
ais 91 (17%) 0 (0%)
    Unknown 1 0
tci 40 (7.4%) 15 (3.0%)
    Unknown 4 7
tpa 352 (64%) 201 (40%)
    Unknown 0 6
evt 111 (20%) 41 (8.1%)
    Unknown 0 5
any_perf 399 (73%) 209 (42%)
    Unknown 0 6
nihss 4.0 (2.0, 9.0) 4.0 (2.0, 7.0)
    Unknown 2 13

    0 136 (25%) 100 (23%)
    1 176 (32%) 168 (39%)
    2 88 (16%) 114 (26%)
    3 80 (15%) 29 (6.7%)
    4 19 (3.5%) 21 (4.8%)
    5 14 (2.6%) 3 (0.7%)
    6 33 (6.0%) 0 (0%)
    Unknown 0 74
pase_0_high 170 (41%) 293 (58%)
    Unknown 128 0
1 n (%); Median (IQR)
In [7]:
In [8]:
targets::tar_read("df_complete") |>
  dplyr::filter(!, ! |>
  get_vars(c("pre", "clin")) |>
  # dplyr::mutate(female_sex = dplyr::if_else(female_sex, "Female", "Male")) |>
  dplyr::transmute(simple_score, age, female_sex= dplyr::if_else(female_sex, "Female", "Male"), nihss, tpa, evt, pase_0, alone) |>
  labelling_data() |>
  gtsummary::tbl_summary(by = female_sex, missing = "no") |>
  # gtsummary::add_p() |>
Table 2: Baseline values SVD burden score
Characteristic Overall, N = 7651 Female, N = 2801 Male, N = 4851
SVD score

    0 302 (39%) 105 (38%) 197 (41%)
    1 216 (28%) 75 (27%) 141 (29%)
    2 142 (19%) 61 (22%) 81 (17%)
    3 71 (9.3%) 29 (10%) 42 (8.7%)
    4 34 (4.4%) 10 (3.6%) 24 (4.9%)
Age 71 (62, 79) 75 (64, 80) 70 (61, 77)
Admission NIHSS 4.0 (2.0, 7.0) 4.0 (2.0, 8.0) 3.0 (2.0, 7.0)
Treated with tPA 460 (60%) 159 (57%) 301 (62%)
Treated with EVT 100 (13%) 30 (11%) 70 (14%)
Pre-stroke PASE score 108 (60, 161) 89 (55, 136) 116 (71, 175)
Living alone 203 (27%) 120 (43%) 83 (17%)
1 n (%); Median (IQR)

Scoring reliability between raters has been compared using different metrics, to show different nuances to the performance, see Table 3. The main performance measure is the intraclass correlation ceofficient.

In [9]:
targets::tar_read("ls_data") |>
  purrr::pluck("svd_score") |>
  dplyr::filter(svd_perf == "Ja", redcap_repeat_instance %in% 1:2) |>
  dplyr::select(record_id, redcap_repeat_instance, svd_microbleed, svd_lacunes, svd_wmh, svd_atrophy) |>
  simple_score() |>
  tibble::as_tibble() |>
  irr_icc_calc() |>
  gt::gt() |>
  gt::fmt_number(n_sigfig = 2)
Warning: Using an external vector in selections was deprecated in tidyselect 1.1.0.
ℹ Please use `all_of()` or `any_of()` instead.
  # Was:
  data %>% select(.x)

  # Now:
  data %>% select(all_of(.x))

See <>.
Joining with `by = join_by(Variable)`
In [10]:
Table 3: Inter rater reliability testing
Variable Agreement Krippendorffs_Alpha Fleiss_Kappa Brennan_Predigers_Kappa IntraclCorrCoef
microbleed 0.90 0.65 0.65 0.80 0.65
lacunes 0.83 0.56 0.56 0.66 0.56
wmh 0.88 0.72 0.72 0.75 0.72
atrophy 0.81 0.54 0.54 0.63 0.54
score 0.62 0.46 0.46 0.52 0.75

Below is the initial evaluation of possible PA effect modification on classical risk factors, Table 4. These results indicates no effect modification as odds ratios are largely unchanged, when PA is introduced in the model (on the right). This may not be the optimal method for this kind of evaluation, though.

In [11]:
In [12]:
ls <- c(FALSE, TRUE) |>
  purrr::map(main_analysis, get_vars(targets::tar_read("df_complete"), vars.groups = "poster") |>
      simple_score = factor(simple_score)
    )) |>
  purrr::map(function(.x) fix_labels(.x)) |>
  setNames(c("1 Without PA", "2 With PA"))

p1 <- ls |>
  purrr::imap(function(.x, .i) {
    .x[["table_body"]] |>
      dplyr::select(label, estimate, conf.low, conf.high) |>
      dplyr::mutate(model = .i)
  }) |>
  dplyr::bind_rows() |>
    label = factor(label, levels = rev(get_set_label("poster")[-1]))
  ) |>
  coef_forrest_plot(cols = viridis::viridis(7)[c(1,5)] )

p1 + ggplot2::facet_wrap(facets = ggplot2::vars(model), ncol = 2)
# p1 |> poster_coef_print(here::here("post.png"))
Table 4: Multivariate, ordianal, logistic regression analysis without and with PASE score included

In [13]:
p <- targets::tar_read("df_complete") |>
    hyperten = dplyr::if_else(hyperten, "Hypertension", "No hypertension"),
    pase_0 = stRoke::quantile_cut(pase_0, groups = 2, group.names = c("Low PA level", "High PA level"))
  ) |>
  table() |>
    scoreName = "simple_score",
    groupName = "hyperten",
    strataName = "pase_0",
    textColor = c("black", "white"),
    textCut = 3,
    printNumbers = "count"
  ) +
  ggplot2::labs(fill = "SVD score") +
  viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, direction = -1, option = "viridis")
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

Based on the preliminary SVD-scores, SVD score distribution stratified by PA quartile is presented in Figure 2.

In [14]:
# renv::install("agdamsbo/rankinPlot")
p <- targets::tar_read("df_complete") |>
    pase_0 = stRoke::quantile_cut(pase_0,
      groups = 4,
      group.names = glue::glue("Q{1:4}")
  ) |>
  table() |>
    scoreName = "simple_score",
    groupName = "pase_0",
    textColor = c("black", "white"),
    textCut = 3,
    printNumbers = "none",
    lineColor = "black",
    lineSize = 1,
    drawLines = FALSE,
    returnData = TRUE
  ) |>
    .x$plot + ggplot2::geom_text(data = .x$rectData[which(.x$rectData$n >
  0), ],
  # size = 6,
  fontface = "plain", ggplot2::aes(
  x = group,
  y = p_prev + 0.49 * p, color = as.numeric(score) >
  # label = paste0(sprintf("%2.0f", 100 * p),"%"),
  label = paste0(sprintf("%2.0f", 100 * p), "%")
)) +
  ggplot2::labs(fill = "SVD score") +
  ggplot2::ylab("Physical activity level")+
  viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, direction = -1, option = "D")
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Figure 2
In [15]:
  filename = here::here("grotta_pa_svd.png"),
  p +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
      legend.position = "none",
      panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 25),
      plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(),
      panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank()
  units = "cm",
  width = 65,
  height = 12,
In [16]:
targets::tar_read("df_complete") |>
  get_vars(vars.groups = c("pre")) |>
    genodds::genodds(response = ds$simple_score, group = stRoke::quantile_cut(ds$pase_0, groups = 2, group.names = c("low", "high")), strata = ds$diabetes)
Warning in genodds::genodds(response = ds$simple_score, group =
stRoke::quantile_cut(ds$pase_0, : Dropped 291 observations with missing values
     Agresti's Generalized odds ratios

  FALSE        Odds: 0.618 (0.521, 0.733)      p=0.0000
  TRUE         Odds: 0.678 (0.420, 1.093)      p=0.1109

Test of H0: odds ratios are equal among strata:
  X-squared = 0.13, df= 1    p=0.7209

Test of H0: pooled odds = 1:
  Pooled odds: 0.624 (0.532,0.733)  p=0.0000

In the FALSE stratum:
    Of 100 patients given high instead of low:
      * 24.81 will score higher with high
      * 48.43 will score higher with low
      * 26.76 appear the same with either treatment

In the TRUE stratum:
    Of 100 patients given high instead of low:
      * 27.62 will score higher with high
      * 46.83 will score higher with low
      * 25.55 appear the same with either treatment
targets::tar_read("df_complete") |>
  get_vars(vars.groups = c("pre","post")) |>
    genodds::genodds(response = ds$mrs_eos, group = ds$simple_score == 0, strata = ds$active_treatment)
Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `active_treatment`.
Warning in genodds::genodds(response = ds$mrs_eos, group = ds$simple_score == :
Dropped 225 observations with missing values
     Agresti's Generalized odds ratios

     Odds: 0.759 (0.651, 0.884)      p=0.0004
    Of 100 patients given TRUE instead of FALSE:
      * 30.77 will score higher with TRUE
      * 44.51 will score higher with FALSE
      * 24.72 appear the same with either treatment


The numbers and figures presented here are very much preliminary and should only be used for discussion and inspiration. Also, if you have any interest in collaboration, please reach out!

Landman, Thijs Rj, Dick Hj Thijssen, Anil M. Tuladhar, and Frank-Erik de Leeuw. 2021. “Relation between physical activity and cerebral small vessel disease: A nine-year prospective cohort study.” International Journal of Stroke: Official Journal of the International Stroke Society 16 (8): 962–71.
Moniruzzaman, Mohammad, Aya Kadota, Hiroyoshi Segawa, Keiko Kondo, Sayuki Torii, Naoko Miyagawa, Akira Fujiyoshi, et al. 2020. “Relationship Between Step Counts and Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Japanese Men.” Stroke 51 (12): 3584–91.
Torres, Elisa R., Siobhan M. Hoscheidt, Barbara B. Bendlin, Vincent A. Magnotta, Gabriel D. Lancaster, Roger L. Brown, and Sergio Paradiso. 2019. “Lifetime Physical Activity and White Matter Hyperintensities in Cognitively-Intact Adults.” Nursing Research 68 (3): 210–17.