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Version 25.1.1

UI tweaks and first release to Zenodo.

Added options to interpret Google and Microsoft forms data formats.

Version 24.10.2

Working to allow direct import of online form results

  • NEW: prio2groups() is a helper function to widen and format to apply with valid format for prioritized_grouping() when importing the spreadsheet.

Wish list of supported platforms:

  • Google Forms [WIP]
  • Teams
  • REDCap Survey

Version 24.10.1

First proper public version. The package is mainly build for an easy to use shiny-interface, but can as easily be used directly in R with the main prioritized_grouping() function. This function is mainly a wrapper around the ROI package and the ROI.plugin.symphony plugin.

File types accepted in the shiny-app are .csv, .xls(x) and .ods.

This project was initially developed after a co-worker told me, he would be grouping students by individual priorities by hand and was preparing to spend most of a day doing so. I insisted on having a go at solving that problem in R. Now some of the some functionality is baked into Teams (that is what I am told at least), though that is not because of me. I still think is small app has its value, as it allows for the so-called “pedagogical redraw”, where some students are manually grouped in consideration of other factors than only the given priorities before the algorithmic assignment.

This, as said, is a first official version and working example. More documentation is needed and will be added after further feedback. And please, feedback is most welcome!