2  Downloading data

Please make sure to read the previous chapter on how to getting access to the database.

Using the REDCap API to access and download data from a database, there are two different approaches:

  1. A focused, “get what you need”-approach and
  2. a more simple “get it all”-approach

Working with longitudinal projects and/or repeated instruments will result in castellated dataset. The package library(REDCapTidieR)() provides a solution to the castellation, but downloads full instruments, which is not always desirable.

In the following, the two approaches will be demonstrated including a possible third approach, requiring a little more technical willingness.

2.0.1 Focus

There are different packages to access and download data from R. In the , available tools and packages are referenced. Here I will provide an example, as to download minimal data in a focused way, using REDCapR.().

Please have a look in the REDCap-chapter for an optimised approach when handling events and repeated instruments.

# Returns the variables "record_id" and "age".
ds_some_vars <- redcap_read(
  redcap_uri   = keyring::key_get("DB_URI"),  # This is the address for projects at the AU-server
  token        = keyring::key_get("API_KEY"),
  fields       = c("record_id", "age")

# Return only records with IDs of 1 and 4
ds_some_rows <- redcap_read(
  redcap_uri   = keyring::key_get("DB_URI"),  # This is the address for projects at the AU-server
  token        = keyring::key_get("API_KEY"),
  records      = c(1, 4)

To get a full list of available variable names, you can either go through the codebook on REDCap, or you can try the following, but be aware, that the resulting vector of variable names can get a little long and confusing.

# Returns a vector of names of all accessible variables.
variable_names <- redcap_read(
  redcap_uri   = keyring::key_get("DB_URI"),  # This is the address for projects at the AU-server
  token        = keyring::key_get("API_KEY")
)$data |> 

Here is an example on how to export data on RBANS and cleaning the data for plotting.

ds <- redcap_read(
  redcap_uri   = keyring::key_get("DB_URI"),  # This is the address for projects at the AU-server
  token        = keyring::key_get("API_KEY"),
  records      = c(1:35), # Downloading data from ID 1 to 35.
  forms        = "rbans", # Downloading only the RBANS instrument
  event        = c("3_months_arm_1", # Specifying only to download 3 and 12 months data
  )$data |> 
  select( # Selecting variables to keep
      ends_with(c("_is","_lo","_up","_per"))) # I only want index scores, lower and upper CIs and percentile.
         )   |> 
  na.omit() # Omitting IDs with missing data.
head(ds, n = 5) # Showing only the first 5 rows

Further examples and scripts can be found in the ENIGMA code repository.

2.0.2 All at once

2.0.3 The middle ground