Allocation and workflow


May 15, 2024

Allocation table

Assessor allocation of subject IDs
assessor IDs (svd_)
all 1-65
AGD 66-265, 851-950
KMØ 116-415
MFH 266-550
ABF 416-650
NLP 551-750
RAB 651-900
JKM 751-850, 901-1055
SBV 951-1000, 66-115

Suggested workflow

In REDCap:

  1. Login to AU REDCap, open the “SVD-burden POOL” project and go to “Record Status Dashboard” (just follow this link)

  2. From the drop-down “Dashboard displayed”, choose the desired dashboard (there is one common for the first, and one for each assessor with allocated subjects and progress).

  3. Open the “SVD score” instrument to start capturing the score.

    • If the “dot” is colored, the instrument already has been filled. Press the “+”-sign to create a new version (mainly necessary during the inter-rater-reliability testing, as each subject is only scored once)
  4. In the top of the instrument, the patient CPR, name and admission time is printed as well as assessor allocated (should be you, but please check) and link to Citrix for convenience.

In Citrix/PACS:

  1. Open the “Billeddiagnostik PACS” module (find it under “APPS” and “star” it the first time) and look up the patient using the CPR number copied from REDCap.

  2. Please use the subject admission date and time as reference to select the correct scan and the exact date and time of the scan (fields are pre-filled with admission date and time).

  3. The scan might take a minute or two to load from the storage server. A little patience is necessary. The first time, you can use this time to arrange your program windows for optimal workflow.

    • Maximise the “PACS” window on the left half of yuor screen and “REDCap” on the left (to have controls line up in the middle and minimize cursor movement)

      Note that the REDCap is organized by MRI sequences (T2*/SWI and FLAIR) corresponding to how they are organized in PACS. The relevant sequences are usually found at the buttom of the list in PACS.

In REDCap:

  1. When done filling out all fields, you can save the data and go directly to the next subject by clicking “Save & Go To Next Record”

    • The last item is “Complete?”. Use “Incomplete” if interrupted, “Unverified” in case of doubt, “Complete” when completed.
    • On the right and at the end of the instrument, there are two blue boxes. The top is “Save & Exit Form”, the second have different options to choose from by clicking the arrow on the right. Choose “Save & Go To Next Record”. Then repeat step 3-8.