Project plan

Project plan

  • SVD scoring scale locked after slight modifications after consensus decision within the assessor group.

  • Scoring introduction arranged

  • Everyone scores the same initial 10 50 subjects. Inter-rater-reliability statistics Intraclass correlation ceofficients are calculated on both the full scale and a shortened scale with a Cohens 𝛋 of respectively .7 and .8 overall ICC around .7 as the goal before continued scoring. If measures are not satisfying group session with scoring examples will be repeated two assessors will be assigned to each subject.

  • After the first assessment reliability phase, each assessor will have a number of subjects allocated for scoring/annotation (see Allocations). Annotation can be performed on standard personal work station/computer (please ensure adequate lightning conditions) and at any time. You’ll need access to Citrix and PACS (see Workflow for a suggested optimal workflow).

  • During the scoring process I will be able to follow the progress and check-in with you to provide help if needed. And I’ll make sure to create a few competitions along the way.

  • When all participants are scored, I will be running analyses and send the draft manuscript for comments.


After completing the scoring process, I have revisited this plan to add updated considerations and decision.