4  Preparations

Following the steps laid out in Chapter 2, we got all lesions normalised to standard 1mm MNI space, and they are all located in the individual subject folders, som we just need a few steps to offload work to the NeMo-tool. This was the command used to perform fsl based registration to 1 mm MNI standard space:

sh /codes/folder/00norm_pipeline.sh --do1mm
  1. Now you should be ready to package for the NeMo tool. The web interface has an upload limit of 10 lesion masks. Open and edit the source-folder in the nemo-packing.R script. It will collect all 1mm MNI lesion masks and package in zip-files of max 10 lesion masks each and put them in the provided folder. Save and then run the following:

    Rscript nemo-packing.R

Then files were uploaded and sent to the NeMo tool server.

4.1 Glossary

data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows